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Main page

Customer Number: total customers – more info is linked to Customer List Vendor Number: total vendors – more info is linked to Vendor List

Receivable Overdue: Receivable amount would be overdue – more info is linked to Receivable Customer report

Payable Overdue: Payable amount would be overdue – more info is linked to Payable to Vendor report

Monthly Recap Report: Sales amount by Month compare this year and last year

Vendor Active YTD: number of vendors who have at least one of activities this year vs total vendors

Customer Active YTD: number of customers who bought at least one of products this year vs total customers

Receive Overdue vs Income: Receivable amount would be overdue vs Income

Sales vs Target: Sales Amount year to date vs Target (Total Sales amount last year)

Total Revenue: Total amount of revenue components (compare with last year – higher is good)

Total Cost: Total amount of cost components (compare with last year - lower is good)

Total Profit: Total amount of profit (compare with last year – higher is good)


Customer Active by Year chart: Compare the active customers in three years

Customer Active by Month chart: number of Customers have bough any products through months this year Top 10 Customers report: List of 10 customers that have largest sales amount, compare with total sales Customer Outlet: Number of new customers, Returning Customers and Lost Customers in this year


Expense Overall Chart: Compare the cost components in this year. It could be click on the label of components to hide or show the components in chart

Expense by Period Chart: Compare the cost components month by month. It could be click on the label of components to hide or show the components in chart

Income Statement: Statement of income current year which highlighted the cost components

Income Statement

Statement of Income compare three years

- Progress Bar: compare the component amount with Gross Sales

- Ratio: Compare the component amount with previous year

- Choose Period: Choose the range of date, it could be showed the range from begin month to end month

Sales YTD by Customer

List of sales amounts by customers month by month

Customer codes are linked to customer detail

Total: Total sales in the year

Months: show up to current month

Progress bar: compare sales the month vs total for the customer

Excel: Export data to excel file

Column Visibility: Show/Hide to column

Customer Detail

Show the detail information of customer

Amount Remaining Receivable: Receivable is remaining for this customer currently

Total YTD Sales: Total sales this year to this customer

Customer by Month chart: Sales Amount and Receivable remaining month by month

Show the detail information of product

Purchase vs Sales by months: Show sales amount, purchase amount month by month for this product.

Compare Balance Sheet (in million) in 3 years

It’s could be expanded or collapsed components to show detail or show summary

Progress bar: Compare the amount of child node with parent component

It’s could be select the month in Choose Period to compare month by year

Last updated