Reports Inventory Management

Status of Inventory

To present quantity, remaining value of each type of goods at each period.

Inventory Movement

To present quantity and value at the beginning period, quantity and value incurred during the period, quantity and value at the closing period for each inventory code at the selected period.

Raw Material Consumption

To present quantity, value of raw material being stock-out for production in the selected period.

Costing Spreadsheet

To present various type of costs constituted value of input finished goods for each type of finished goods (labor cost, raw material cost, overhead expenses)

Lists by Items

To present quantity, unit price, total purchased amount, total cost of sale amount for each inventory code in the selected period.

Details Cost of Goods Sold – Income

To present quantity, sale unit price, revenue, unit cost of sale and cost of goods sold, gross profit for each sold inventory code during the selected period.

Summary Cost of Goods Sold – Income

To present quantity, revenue, cost of goods sold and gross profit for each sold goods type during the selected period.

Goods return report

To present details in quantity, value of inventory returned to vendor during the selected period.

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